Κυριακή 28 Απριλίου 2013

When the forces of the Party of the European Left and opportunism support the partition of Cyprus

In the framework of the discussion of Turkey’s progress report, regarding the Cypriot question in the European Parliament last week, the Green group, represented by Daniel Cohn-Bendit, denounced the EU because it did not pressure Cyprus for re-unification. And so he tabled an amendment which demanded that the President of the European Council “invite two observers to represent the Turkish-Cypriot community in the European Parliament, in light of the next European parliamentary elections in 2014” In essence he posed the de facto partition of Cyprus. The amendment was rejected with 412 votes against (amongst them the 2 MEPs of the KKE) and 135 in favour, amongst them leading officials of the Party of the European Left such as Jean-Luc Melenchon and Younous Omarjee from France as well as the MEP of the German Die Linke party, Jurgen Klute, demonstrating in practice who supports the de facto participation of Cyprus through the recognition of the fake state and the application of pressure for a new “Annan Plan”.

This is the dangerous role of Party of the European Left and international opportunism, of the so-called “left forces” which proves that these forces serve the interests of capital and trample over the just and historic struggle of the Cypriot people in the name of this service.

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