Κυριακή 21 Απριλίου 2013

PAME condemns the brutal, savage attack against immigrant workers in Manolada

PAME condemns the brutal, savage attack against the immigrant farm workers who demanded to be paid for their work.

In Manolada, a small community near Patras, in south west Greece, are located big plantations of strawberries. The landowners gain great profits by using immigrant workers in the fields, without collective contracts, no health care, no health and safety regulations, NO RIGHTS.

This situation is based on the state’s and the employers’ daily terrorization to the workers. The state does not give documents to the immigrant workers and keeps them afraid of deportation in daily basis, and the employers exploit this, so as to break any demands of the workers.

This is the law of the capital. It is the law of the jungle, where both Greek and immigrant workers are exploited for the profits of the capitalists. When the 200 immigrant farm workers demanded their accrued wages of six months, the employers took out their guns and shot in cold blood more than 20 workers.

This is not the first time that workers who demand their rights face the brutal attack of the capital. Greek and immigrant workers face the same enemy, the exploitation by the capitalists. Our weapons are class solidarity and strong trade unions for the overthrowing of this barbaric system of exploitation.

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