Κυριακή 28 Απριλίου 2013

To the workers in the RENAULT factory in France

Dear colleagues,

The management of Renault is GUILTY for the suicide of your colleague in the Renault factory, on Monday April 22, early in the morning. But, the capitalist system is the cause that led your colleague to despair and commit a suicide. Because capitalism has in its DNA the exploitation of man by man, it survives by the exploitation.

Our experience by the brutal measures and the development of the capitalist crisis in our country proves that the wage cuts, the attack in the collective contracts, the unemployment, the reductions in pensions and allowances, and the abolition of labor achievements have the result the monopolies to win and the workers and people to loose.

In the case of Renault, are also confirmed the responsibilities of the employers’ trade unionism which signed with the management the “competitiveness pact”, increasing the working time and “freezing” the wages.

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of PAME, which rallies the class-oriented trade union movement of Greece, please transfer the warmest condolences of the working men and women of our country to the family of your colleague.

We will not become slaves of the 21st century.

The uprising of Chicago workers, the Paris Commune and the October Revolution show us the path.

We turn our back to the bureaucrats trade unionists, we join the class-oriented forces in every workplace and we struggle against the exploitation. The working class must become the master of the wealth that it produces.


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