Τρίτη 7 Μαΐου 2013

May Day Strike demonstrations of PAME in 80 cities all over Greece

During the massive, central demonstration of Athens, a letter of the fighting, Bangladeshi, workers from the fields of Manolada was read, and it was saluted by representative of the CTC of Cuba.

The main speaker expressed PAME’s internationalist solidarity to the workers of the PEUGEOT factory, in France, who decided to continue their strike for 15th week!

It was also highlighted:

What is of the utmost importance to reach as main conclusion is: no legislation, no government ever gave away any rights to our class. The working class had never anything being given for free, the working class, at all times, imposed its rights, under its own laws, the laws of class struggle, of its organization, of its uprisings!

The labour movement history, in Greece, as well as internationally, is full of examples of which line is useful and effective for the workers. The employers’ and governmental trade unionism, the line of class collaboration, of social dialogues mean only subjugation, retreat, diminishing the demands of the workers. The 8hour workday, the social insurance, the collective contracts, all those achievements have in their core the endless efforts of the class oriented movement; they bear the sign of class struggle.

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